You want the very best for your child?
César Chávez Academy is a high quality, established Detroit charter school.
Caring, highly-qualified teachers provide every child with learning opportunities that utilize the entire community as the classroom.
We feature a state-of-the-art computer lab as well as free after-school enrichment, including science exploration, mentoring and tutoring, character education, and reading with a purpose.
Schoolwide PBIS Program (with incentives including field trips)
Physical Education, Art, and Music
English as a Second Language Support for students
Highly qualified, dedicated teachers and support staff
Safe and clean nurturing learning environment
FREE after-school tutoring
FREE Campus to Campus Transportation
State-of-the-art technology in every classroom (including 1:1 devices for students)
Extracurricular clubs and activities (including soccer, violin, ski club)
Partnerships with Living Arts Detroit & InsideOut Literacy Arts for enrichment
Academic Field Trips (including 5th Grade Camp)
Small group interventions for all students and programs to help struggling students succeed